Tuesday 17 January 2017

13 Workouts That Sculpture Rock-Hard Six Pack Abs

Do you want to learn how to get ripped abs? Follow the outlined exercise for a gigantic circuit which will absolutely define your abs as fire-lift.

How To Get Ripped Fast in 13 workouts

1. Mini band mountain climber
2. Mini band push-up
3. Mini band pull-up
4. Mini band Glutes Bridge
5. Mini band side planks
6. Mini band dead bug
7. Mini band fire hydrant
8. Plank complex
9. Crab cakes complex
10. Band leg lowering
11. Band revere fly pushups
12. Ball glute Squeeze Bridge
13. Dumbbell chest fly

These exercises are unique in that they involve an eclectic assimilation referred to as Meta Boosts that increases the efficiency of the workouts.


Meta Boost one

When performing a push-up, a mini band is wrapped around the wrists so as to light up the rotators and the scapulars

Meta Boost two

When cycling or mountain climbing, the mini band is wrapped around the feet in order to engage the hip flexors completely.

Meta Boost three

Different movements are combined in a sophisticated workout. Each movement is repeated non-stop. This is fun and it triggers the brain for a new technique.

Three ultimate mechanisms of performing these exercises.

1. Heavy Core Training Circuit

In this method, the joints are protected and the stomach squeezed to its limit. The above 13 workouts must be performed back to back in a single intensive circuit. Every move is done in a minute while shifting sides after 30 minutes for one-sided exercises. A 30 minutes rest is needed between the workouts.

2. Starters vs. finishers

The workouts are perfect warm-ups for the body’s pillar. A few of them should be selected to hit points of weaknesses and performed for at most two minutes each. If one must rest between the movements, 30 seconds or less should be enough. This will create a platform for monster training.

3. Recovery Workouts

Low intensity workouts are chosen for recovery.

In essence, core training is more than just typical sit-ups, bridges, and planks as shown in these killer abs workouts.

Monday 9 January 2017

Compound vs Isolation Exercises

One of the most common important ways of categorizing weight training workouts is how they train the body and the group of muscles that are being used when performing the workouts. This way we can categorize exercises into two groups. These are:
  • Isolation exercises
  • Compound exercises

Perhaps you have heard a lot of theories such as how isolation exercises suck or how compound exercises are the best. However, it is not a good idea to generalize this much. This is because the truth of the matter is that isolation vs compound exercise serves a wide range of purposes in different workout routines based on your goal as well as the body. This means that the only option through which you can know the best workouts for you is by getting to the specifics of each.

motivational tips for weight loss

Compound workouts

The compound workouts are exercises that involve using more than one of the major groups of muscles each time. In a typical case, there is a single muscle that performs most of the work while the smaller groups of muscles are recruited in a secondary way. Some of the major compound workouts include:
  • Flat, decline or incline press - This mostly workout the chest, shoulders and the triceps
  • Dips - Workouts the chest as the primary muscle group and the shoulders and triceps as the secondary group of muscles
  • Overhead shoulder press - These primarily work the shoulders and the triceps as the secondary muscle group.

Other exercises include dead-lifts, squats, pull-ups; chin up s and the lat pull down.

Isolation exercises

These are the workouts that affects only one key muscle group. In a typical case, the movement is done in a way where  there is avoidance of the use of the muscle groups and this leaves one group of muscles isolated and with the ability to do the work. These include bicep curls, triceps extensions, flat, decline or incline flies, calf raises, leg curls and much more.

Sunday 1 January 2017

What Is The Best Cardio For Weight Loss?

Incase your goal is to permanent loss of fat, it will be necessary to burn enough calories to help you make an impact that is quite significant. The reason for this is that if you are to lose one pound in a week, it will be necessary to create a deficit of 3500 calories. This means that it will be necessary for you to burn 3,500 more calories as compared to what you eat.

Cardio exercises are just but one part of the weight-loss plan. It is also essential for you to improve your eating ways and ensure that you begin a program for weight training.   You should also remember that weight loss isn’t as easy as it looks on the TV commercials. Instead, it requires a lot of commitment instead of just drinking the delicious shakes for your breakfast. This is on top of the fact that it can also take time.

compound vs isolation exercises

If you are wondering how long it will be necessary to engage in cardios for your weight loss, you will need to engage in 5 to 6 workouts in a week. It is also important to ensure that you engage in exercises for a period of at least 456 minutes. These should be a mix of strength training and cardio for 6 days in a week. You will also not need to do a lot of seating at once in order for the pounds to fall off. There is need for the calories that you burn to add up.

In order to see results in your weight-loss program, you will need to exercise the target areas in most cases. However, you need to remember that even if you were to exercise at fifty percent of the maximum rate of the heart, this can go a long way in improving your fitness level.

Probably you have heard that it is more effective to exercise at a pace that is slower for weight loss as compared to working out in a more intense way. Most of the cardios have a program for fat burning that makes it possible for you to maintain a slow pace. During the aerobic workouts at a slow pace, the body uses the fat at its primary source of fuel. When you draw closer to the breaking point, the body will begin using the smaller amounts of fat and bigger amounts of the carbs as the fuel source. However, by picking the right pace, it will be possible for you to burn more total calories as compared to the fat calories.

If you want to find more information about what is the best cardio for weight loss, you should get in touch with Muscle Prodigy.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

The 6 Worst Leg Strength Training Exercises For Men

Some legs workouts can be absolute detrimental exercises and must be avoided.   
When weight training for legs, the movements are never the same. Actually some move do more bad be executed with a lot of caution. In order to escape bad physical injuries and subsequent medical bills, the following no-no exercises are not worth the risk.

1. Knee Extensions

It is very risky to put your knees under a great force. Instead of doing a knee extension, try out some yoga movements in order to strengthen the flexibility of the quadriceps.

2. Using the Smith Machine

Smith equipment has a fixed elevation for doing squats. The vertical angle in particular is the most dangerous. If the body is fixated to a particular spectrum of movement, one cannot loco mote in the intended natural manner hence compromising the body mobility. It is the back that hurts the most when this exercise is executed.

3. Upright Rows

The exercise compels your shoulders to drift away from the torso while twisting in a dangerous internal point. This creates an immersive force at the shoulder joints. You also risk impinging your muscles or tendons. The wrists too are at risk due to excessive stress. The best alternative exercise is the bend-over row which in addition improves your bench press. 

4. Leg Press

The press equipment is not mechanically efficient for the body. It inhibits the proper functioning of joints while creating bigger tension on knees and the back. Leg presses are the major causes of a lumbar hernia in gym users.

5. The Lat Pull-down

This involves a pull behind your head and extreme rotations of your shoulders. The shoulder joint ligaments are also tensed inappropriately. These can lead to instability, impingement, and hyper mobility of the joints.

6. Bench Triceps Dips

The dips risk shoulder injuries. Putting the hands behind is a strenuous exercise for your elbows. The workout causes the head to come forward hence creating a discomfort.

Now that you know, weight training for legs must be done with a lot of care unless you want to end up a cripple. 

Sunday 18 December 2016

How To Stay Motivated For Weight Loss

You have joined the gym, tried to diet but still there is no progress in your weight loss goals. You begin with high motivations but with time, your motivation plateau. It could be that you get bored with consuming steamed veggies every night. If this describes you, here are a few motivation tips that will help to keep you on your track to success.

Set some realistic goals

The first step towards your diet success is to set the right kind of goals. In case you happen to set goals that are unattainable for instance, losing thirty pounds in a period of a few months, you will be setting yourself for failure. In case you focus on your health as well as creating good eating strategies; you are more likely to stick with the diet. Therefore, you should set some small goals such as 5 pound; you will get the confidence to help you continue.

Go slow

In order to achieve success, you will need to your entire lifestyle. This is not something that can happen overnight. You will be in a better position to maintain the weight loss if you do it in a slow manner. If you are starving, you are likely to feel irritable and your chances of failure will be higher. 

Expect setbacks

There are times when we all fall into temptation. The danger is not that single splurge but making it an excuse for bringing all every day.

Avoid being a perfectionist

Having the mind of a perfectionist will get in the way of your success. Whenever you slip up, you need to get over it and think about tomorrow.

Use a buddy system

In case you will be swimming upstream alone; it will be difficult for you to make any meaningful lifestyle change. This is why you will need to find other people who have a similar goal and this will help to improve your odds of success.

If you want to find more information about the motivational tips for weight loss, you should get in touch with Muscle Prodigy.

Monday 12 December 2016

How To Increase Your Bench Press Using Proper Form

It doesn’t matter what level you are at bench pressing, there are many ways to increase your bench press through the application of proper forms. Take a look at these easy-to-follow rules for bench pressing.
  • The grip : Firmly grab the bar with your hands at a low position and squeeze the bar with a full grip.
  • The feet : They should stay grounded on the floor and align with the knees like in a squatting position. Under no circumstance should the feet be raised above the floor.
  • The chest : Keep the chest high as if it is trying to reach the ceiling. Contract the shoulder and let your back remain tight.
  • Forearms : They should stay perpendicular to the ground. They should form a straight line together with the wrist and the elbows.
  • Racking : As you do this, lock the elbows and then push the bar above the shoulders and if possible, get off the lift.  
  • Wrists : Keep the wrists straight and keep the bar low in a way that won’t hurt your wrists.
  • Elbows : Tuck the elbows at 75 degrees from the bottom and maintain them at a straight position below the bar.
  • Shoulders : They must be kept on the bench always and used for stability.
  • The bar : It should be moved in a diagonal motion from shoulders to the chest. Never push it vertically above the chest.

If you apply the above bench pressing forms, you are sure to solve the mystery of how to get stronger on bench press and keep your chest, arms and shoulders safe. As you use the correct form, remember that you also need to bench press more in order to gain experience and improve the efficiency of your workouts. Assistance workouts may also help you increase your bench press although they cannot replace bench press. To improve your bench, you must press more often and heavily. To master the skill of bench pressing, you need to think like an athlete- focus on strength, power, and explosiveness. Remember to rest to prevent chest injury.

Sunday 4 December 2016

4 Rules for Training Like A Pro- Athlete

Are you envious of the guys you watch on television during athletic competition seasons? All you need is to train your body just like those athletes. Performing like a professional athlete entails more than just working on a stationary bike or a treadmill. These simple cardio exercises aren’t sufficient. What is required is a better program that focuses on strength, aerobics, and power.

How To Improve Athletic Performance

1. Explosive training

Explosiveness is all about the tempo of weightlifting. When weight training, perform slow reps and ensure that you maximize muscle tension. This technique is safe and it promotes muscle growth. To be explosive, start by lifting little weight and then do it at the fastest possible speed. As you continue, increase the weight and do a number of repetitions. This method develops powerful muscles and you will be able to perform quick lifts. This is what we call explosiveness. 

2. Fast movements

HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training is a technique that works for athletes. It trains the body muscles to work hard without getting fatigued. HIIT improves your speed and keeps you ripped. Best exercises for athletes that create fast movements include hill sprinting, sled pushes, and treadmill sprinting. Try these exercises two times in a week in 15 to 20 minutes sessions.  

3. Core training

Core muscles are trained for actions. It is a common belief that the abs are made of proper nutrition; however, if you focus on how to improve athletic performance, it is a must that you pick exercises that will work on your core muscles, not just for aesthetic value but for more action.

4. Backside training

The best athletes have a strongly built backside. The back consists of hamstrings, glutes, lats and spine muscles. Strong back muscles showcase power and speed of an individual. It means that you are meticulous in your training.

Training for athleticism is not only all about Olympic preparations. Anybody can improve on their normal training by employing explosiveness, power, and efficiency. Athleticism is centered on power, acceleration, balance and agility.