Sunday, 23 October 2016

How To Build Triceps

If are wondering how to build bigger arms, one of the things that you will need to do is to train the triceps. Despite the misconception that triceps are the most essential factor, this is not the case as biceps only make around a third of the total number of muscles for the upper arm. The other 2/3 is made of the triceps.

There are various exercises that can help to work out the triceps. Most of these focus on a wide range of the arm muscles. However, there are some specific workouts that are able to primarily target the triceps and ensure that you get the best results. If you want the bigger arms, engage in these exercises that are meant to increase the triceps.

Weight dips

To improve muscles, resistance is necessary. In order to increase resistance, there is a need to add weight. The weight dips mostly rely on the body weight even though it is possible to add extra weigh in the laps in a bid to increase the muscle resistance.

To engage in this workout, use 2 benches. These should be placed around 3 to 5 feet apart. Sit on one of the benches with the heels resting on one another. It may be necessary to adjust this distance between the benches depending on the height. Place the palms on the bench that you will be sitting on and ensure that you slip forward as your support the weight using your arms. Lower yourself slowly until the elbows bend to an angle of 90 degrees. Ensure that you maintain the tension as you push yourself back to a point where you completely extend the arms.

Close grip bench press

This is a press that is marked by the elbows remaining close to your body and the hands not being more than one foot apart and not extending beyond the shoulders. This exercise focuses on the triceps group of muscles. However, the way you perform them will supply additional workouts to pectoral muscles and the biceps muscle groups.

If you want to find more information about the how to build triceps, you should get in touch with Muscle Prodigy.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Rules For Chest Strength Training

Before you start your chest strength training, there are a few things that you will need to do. First, you will need to recognize that your exercise of choice will have more effect as compared to how you do them. It is important to focus on certain variables that are not only well established but they have proven to provide maximum size of muscles for all your muscle groups.
  • Choose high volume. After engaging in a few warm-ups, engage in 3 to 4 working sets of different exercises and from different angles especially the multi joint movements. 
  • Exercise to the point of muscle failure. When you stop a set that you could have done more, this could have a negative impact on your level of growth.
  • Ensure the right resistance. When doing the working sets, ensure that you work with a weight that you are able to handle for 8 to 12 reps to the point of failure.
  • Challenge yourself. If you can manage to do over 12 reps, you should now add weight rather than just adding reps.

Break norms occasionally

When you get to a point where you feel as if your workout has gotten to a run, a good idea would be to flip-flop the single-joint and the multi joint movements if you are to see a new growth of muscles. At the beginning of your workouts, the pecs are still fresh and you can use more weight during the fly movement. It is advisable to resist the urge to use heavy weights for the low reps as this will only serve to increase the stress on joints. It would be advisable to work with a high rep range that is at least eight.

Avoid emphasizing on delts

There are different kinds of mistakes that body builders do during their chest day. However, one of the major ones is to overemphasize on delts. As compared to pecs, delts are a bit weaker and this means that when they fail, you may be left with no option but to end the set before you can fully fatigue your chest muscles.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

How To Increase Your Bench Press

Whether you like this form of exercise or not, bench press is one of the key lifts from where your strength is judged. When you have some great bench press, you will find heads turning in the gym and it is the only lift that people will want to know the numbers. When used in the right manner, the bench press will train various body parts such as the pectorals, lat, triceps, shoulders and legs, If you are wondering how to increase your bench press, there are some scientifically methods that can help you to do so. However, you will need to realize that like it is the case with other compound lifts, such as the squats, military press and deadlift, bench press can turn out to be quite technical.

If you don’t know how to do the bench press in the right manner, you will end up hitting the plateau very fast. This can prove to be quite frustrating but can cause you injury as you attempt to break through it as you compromise on the form. Here are some proven methods that you can use to increase your bench press.

Pump yourself up

If you happen to be a weightlifter with enough experience, you definitely understand how important it is to be prepared mentally for the heavy lift. Probably, you have seen how weightlifters psyche themselves before attempting a lift. The truth of the matter is that pumping yourself is scientifically proven that it works and can increase the force production by 8 percent.

Mix different rep range

The subject on the right rep range can be complex. If you happen to be new to weightlifting, this advice may not apply. For experienced weightlifters, you can reap from different rep range or even periodizing the training.

Prioritize bench press

There are many people out there who are concerned about getting stuck with bench press but who performs the last exercise in their workouts. These will start with the dumbbell, before moving to dips and getting back to bench press. The order in which you perform the exercise will have a great impact on the strength as well as the overall capacity.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Important Tips On How To Get Ripped Fast

If you are wondering how to get ripped fast, there are some tips that you can use to ensure that you get the best results.


This stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is one of the most difficult cardiovascular training styles that you will ever find. However, the good thing with it is that it is also quite effective. When intervals of low-intensity such as walking and jogging with intervals of sprinting, it will be possible for you to burn a lot of calories in less time that what it would normally take.

Shave your hair

If you have stomach hair that has caused you to get the nickname “The Abominable Bro-man”, it is time to make use of a razor. When you shave, it will be possible for your abs to be more visible and you will stay motivated in your weight loss goal.


Try intermittent fasting

This is a practice where you fast for 16 hours at night and skip breakfast. This practice has been noted to work well for people trying to lose weight and this is the only diet that is capable of enabling simultaneous gain of muscles.

Increase your intake of proteins

Proteins play a key role in repairing and build up of muscle mass and it is definitely one of the most satiating groups of foods. When you increase your intake of proteins, you will feel fuller and for a longer period of time. This will also minimize the muscle wastage that is caused by cardio.

Take a walk with your dog

Ensure that you frequently walk your dog. This is a low-impact workout that does not require a lot of effort. Even though it doesn’t work wonders to burn a lot of calories, it plays an important role in your overall deficit of calories.

Try these tips, if you are wondering how to get ripped fast and you will see them work.