Friday, 18 March 2016

Have You Tried the Full Body Workout Routine for Men?

MP workout program is a full body workout routine for men. You get a full body weight training program which strengthens your body, clears your mind, and provides stamina, energy and well being.
Many people have discovered the secret to having a total body workout at home. It is expensive to visit the gym all the time even though a gym is a good place for completing a well-rounded strength training program. It is also time consuming.

The MP workout program has 10 resistance band exercises for a total body home workout.  A full body strength training routine is about the resistance of weights against the tension of your muscles which causes them to grow.  You will get the same benefits from a resistance band workout because the bands provide similar resistance against your muscles.
A good set of resistance bands includes:
  • Various fitness tubes that are rated at different weights
  • Door anchor
  • Ankle straps for lower body workout with instructions
In order to achieve a full body weight training routine using resistance bands you need to do the following workouts:
  1. Intermediate level where you complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions
  2. Advanced level where you complete at least 3 sets of 15 repetitions
For you to achieve the best results, you should do your total body workout routines at least 2 or 3 days a week. There are exercises for the lower and upper body.